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QTP Parameterization

Parameters help us check how the application performs the same operations with multiple sets of data.
There are four types of parameters:
Test/action parameters: Test parameters make possible for us to use values passed from the test. Action parameters enable us to pass values from other actions in your test. To use a value within a specific action, the value must be passed down through the action hierarchy of the test to the required action. We can then use that parameter value to parameterize a step in the test. For example, suppose that we want to parameterize a step in Action3 using a value that is passed into the test from the external application that runs (calls) the test. We can pass the value from the test level to Action1 (atop-level action) to Action3 (a nested action of Action1), and then parameterize the required step using this action input parameter value (that was passed through from the external application). Alternatively, we can pass an output action parameter value from an action step to a later sibling action at the same hierarchical level. For example, suppose that Action2, Action3, and Action4 are sibling actions at the same hierarchical level, and that these are all nested actions of Action1. We can parameterize a call to Action4 based on an output value retrieved from Action2 or Action3. We can then use these parameters in the action step.
Data Table parameters allow us to create a data-driven test (or action) that runs several times using the data that we supply. In each repetition, or iteration, QuickTest uses a different value from the Data Table.
Environment variable parameters allow us to use variable values from other sources during the run session. These may be values that we supply, or values that QuickTest generates for us based on conditions and options we choose.
Random number parameters Enable us to insert random numbers as values in your test.
Values in steps and checkpoints can be parameterized while recording or editing the test.
The values of object properties can be parameterized for a selected step.
The values of the operation (method or function arguments) defined for the step can also be parameterized.
When the value of an object property for a local object is parameterized, we are amending the test object description in the local object repository. Therefore, all occurrences of the specified object within the action are parameterized.
Parameterizing the value of a checkpoint property enables us to check how an application or Web site performs the same operation based on different data


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