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Components of QTP

1. Test Pane
a. Keyword View
b. Expert View
2. Test details pane – (Active Screen)
3. Data table (.xls)
4. Information Window
5. Debug Viewer
6. Missing Resources Window
Note: All the above 1-6 can be controlled from View Menu.

Steps to set the Active Screen Capturing Level:
1. Select Tools -> Option
2. Click on Active screen tab
3. Set the capture level
4. Click on Apply & Click on OK
(Here the draw back is, when QTP starts capturing the images, it takes relatively more time to execute the script and to generate the results. {Consumes more space} )

Data Table:
This component is used for Data Driven Testing or parametrization. i.e, testing AUT with multiple records from the data table.
By default it has 2 sheets.
1. Global
2. Action1

Debug Viewer:
This component is used to debug the script for identifying the logical errors. 
Debug viewer has 3 tabs.
1. Watch
2. Variables
3. Command

Information Window:
This window displays information to the user like ‘Syntax is Valid’ or ‘Syntax is Invalid’.

Missing Resources Window:
This window displays if any of the resources of the script are missing like “External Action”, “Library File”, “Data File”, etc.

Object Identification Login:
When we record on an object, QTP try to identify the object uniquely by capturing the properties in the respective order.
1. Mandatory Properties
2. Assistive Properties
3. Ordinal Identifier
From the above set properties the unique information about the object is maintained in a file called “Object Repository File”

Object Repository file:
The Object Repository File contains 
1. Logical names and
2. Physical Properties/Description
From the set of unique properties that the QTP capture, the property like label is considered as a logical name.
The Physical Properties are the properties of the object to identify during playback.
Note: If we change the logic name in the script, we need to change the same in the Object Repository. If we change in Object Repository, no need to change in the script.

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