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QTP Interview Questions

  1. How to execute VB function?
Call Function
  1. How many types of Check points are there in QTP?
Standard Checkpoint
Text Checkpoint
Text Area Checkpoint
Bitmap Checkpoint
Database Checkpoint
Accessibility Checkpoint
XML Checkpoint (Web Frame)
XML Checkpoint (File)
  1. What is descriptive programming?
You can also instruct QuickTest to perform methods on objects without referring to the Object Repository, without referring to the object’s logical name. To do this, you provide QuickTest with a list of properties and values that QuickTest can use to identify the object or objects on which you want to perform a method. This is called as descriptive programming.
  1. How to send messages to test the result?
Reporter. report event is used to send the messages to the test results
  1. How does QuickTest capture user processes in Web pages?
  2. How can I record and run tests on objects that change dynamically from viewing
To viewing?
Sometimes the content of objects in a Web page or application changes due to dynamic content. You can create dynamic descriptions of these objects so that QuickTest will recognize them when it runs the test
  1. How can I check that a child window exists (or does not exist)?
Sometimes a link in one window creates another window. You can use the Exist method to check whether or not a window exists. For example:
Browser ("Window_logical_name").Exist
You can also use the Child Objects method to retrieve all child objects (or the subset of child objects that match a certain description) on the Desktop or within any other parent object.
  1. How does QuickTest record on dynamically generated URLs and Web pages?
QuickTest actually clicks on links as they are displayed on the page. Therefore, QuickTest records how to find a particular object, such as a link on the page, rather than the object itself. For example, if the link to a dynamically generated URL is an image, then QuickTest records the "IMG" HTML tag, and the name of the image. This enables QuickTest to find this image in the future and click on it.
  1. How does QuickTest handle cookies?
Server side connections, such as CGI scripts, can use cookies both to store and retrieve information on the client side of the connection. QuickTest stores cookies in the memory for each user, and the browser handles them as it normally would.
  1. Where can I find a web page's cookie?
  1. Is text area check point supported by web application?

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