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Descriptive Programming (DP) vs Object Repository (OR)

if you ask the difference between object repository and descriptive programming or advantages and disadvantages of both.

everybody will see it in their own view, both has its own advantages and disadvantages

 Object Repository:

    QTP identifies the test object properties which it learns while recording and stores the object properties in the object repository.QTP will use these stored properties while executing the recorded script.

Descriptive programming : this a script method where object properties are directly coded  instead of storing it object repository.
There are two types :
   * creating decription object using create.description()
   *You list the set of properties and values that describe the object directly in a     
       VBScript statement

 Advantages of DP over object repository:
 a) It is tedious to maintain the object repository, when the size increases.
 b) We have to cautious will using shared repository, if any changes made it will 
     affect  all the tests associated with it.
 c) OR will be time consuming to maintain.

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